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2024 Conference docs

Carol Phelps (Steering Committee Chair), Bob Kihslinger (Website & Social Media), Kathy Kuntz (Registration), Armela Aeilts (Facilities & Food), Natalie Lesnjak (Student Conference Committee Chair & DCYEC), Noah Feinstein (Sponsors), Isadora Collins (Tables and Booths), Sam Romano (Recruiting), Vivian Wanjing (Presentations)​






The 2024 High School Climate Conference is designed to be a day of collaboration.  School clubs and organizations, local business and community non-profits will share thoughts and strategies for developing a sustainable future.  


The goal is to find ways to work together and sponsor each other’s efforts.


Businesses and community non-profits are invited to:


Table at the conference

Engage with high school tablers 

Become a financial or in-kind sponsor for a high school project

Invite a high school student to become a member of your organization

Attend all conference activities​​


High School clubs and organizations are invited to:


Table and/ or present at the conference and receive $100 honorarium

Visit and engage with other high school and community tablers

Share ideas with high school students from around the State

Share ideas with local businesses and community non-profits

Tables should be manned before the conference begins, during lunch and           a half hour after the workshops


If you are tabling at the Climate Conference, here are a few things you need to know.


* The conference is being held in the main Madison College building at 1701 Wright Street

* The doors are open to tablers at 8:30 AM

* If you have any large objects to bring for your table they can be off-loaded at the Anderson Street entrance to the Truax Building before you park your car.  

* Registration begins at 10:00 for attendees

* The conference will start at 10:30 AM

* The table size is 3 x 8 or 5 x 31/2  (chairs are provided as well)

* You will have a simple 8.5 x 11 sheet that gives you name, internet address and a q-r code to your website if you wish to put it on your table

* You may have two tables if you wish, just let us know

* Electrical outlet are available at all booth

* All tables will be in the same room as the conference and you are invited to attend all presentations

* Students will have time to visit your table between 9:30 and 10:30, 11:40 – 1:20 and from 3:30 to 4:00

* Free lunch and snacks are available during the day thanks to our sponsors

* Parking is free and directly across the street from the Wright Building   


Be sure to have any of your table staff register on the conference website.


Thank you all for your support of this conference and your willingness to spend the day with the students of 20 Wisconsin high schools.  If you have any other questions please contact either:


Bob Kihslinger:





You have an opportunity to join the team of high school students and mentors who are creating and running the next Climate Conference.  It’s a great way to fight climate change, protect the environment, meet like minded students from other schools throughout the State and beef up that resume for college applications.  It is not necessary for many of these tasks that you physically attend meetings nor do you have to live in the Madison area to complete most of them.  


Here is a list by team of the tasks we need help with.  Feel free to contact us for more information by phone, text or email and find a way you can help that fits your interests and your schedule.  


Program Team:  Responsible for the overall development of the program. ..

  • Attend zoom Steering Committee Meetings

  • Help Develop Agenda

  • Help Create Slide for Event

  • Introduce a Speaker

  • Be a breakout host

  • Be a primary moderator in the main room

  • Interview with media

  • Other..


Promotion Team:  Responsible advertising, media management, conference website, social media and any other tasks related to overall promotion of the conference

(Pick one or more tasks that you interested in)

  • Make a instagram to post on The Connection

  • Make a YouTube Video for the conference

  • Make a poster for your school

  • Help with the website


Recruitment Team: Help recruit students at your school for the conference and/or serve as your school's go-to-person for the Conference Program and Promotion Committees.

(Pick one or more tasks that you interested in)

  • Be contact person between Program Team and your club

  • Bi contact person between Program Team and your school

  • Mentor - If you are a Junior or Senior get one Freshman or Sophomore to the                                                   conference and make sure they find  way to get and back

  • Contact registrants who signed up from your school with any additional information


Logistics Team:  Responsible for facilities room arrangements, lunch, snacks, AV

  • Help choose menu and snacks

  • Help determine room layouts

  • Help with setup

  • Register students as they arrive

  • Create signage for the conference

  • Help with tablers

  • Other…


Make a Presentation




Make a 4 to 6 minute presentation from the main stage

Your club will receive $100 honorarium for presenting and/or tabling

Eligible presentations:

·         Topics must relate to climate or environmental issues

·         Possible topics include what a school club has done, an internship or advocacy         

                experience you’ve had or a big idea you want to share

·         Presenter must be high school or college student

·         Presentation must respectful and original


Note:  All presentation slide decks should be submitted prior to the conference so they integrated into the program.  Contact Bob Kihslinger at for all the details.


Example of a presentation you might use


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