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Workshop Facilitators

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Dr Ankur DeSai

Professor & Department chair in Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences

Ankur Desai is also Reid Bryson Professor of Climate, People, and Environment with the Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research, both at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

His lab studies how organisms and abiotic features in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems influence and are influenced by climate and weather and how those effects change as you scale from plot to landscape to globe. We specialize in making long-term, ecosystem-atmosphere observations of emission or uptake of carbon, energy, and water, in particular using eddy covariance flux towers. 


Kathy Kuntz

Director of the Dane County Office of energy and climate change

Kathy has almost 30 years of experience helping businesses and residents adopt sustainable practices.  Prior to joining Dane County, Kathy led Cool Choices where she worked with local governments and private businesses on sustainability efforts for about ten years.  Before that she led Focus on Energy, Wisconsin's statewide energy efficiency and renewable energy program.

Kathy has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Minnesota, a Master’s from UW-Madison, and a reputation for getting results.

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Bob Kihslinger

Owner & Webmaster of

Bob is owner and webmaster of an evironmental newsfeed & blog and admin of a website dedicated to high school environmentalists.  He was a Community Organizer for Citizens Opportunity Services in the 1970s, Training Director for Auer Steel a multi-state distributor of HVAC supplies and systems and holds a Masters Degree in Adult Education from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee.  He has also consulted with local business on the development of sustainability plans.


Scott Anderson

Evansville HIgh School Green Team

The Evansville High School Green Team is driven by the question - what can they do to help their school, their community and our world.  Plans are made, actions are taken and slowly but surely PROJECTS GET DONE!  In just a few years  they have raised over $50,000 for solar and are installing a new systems this fall with their partner Midwest Solar.  

They have installed eGauge tracking and working towards their goal of reducing their energy usage by 2% - a savings of $5,000 annually.

They have many projects going because we chase team member passions!

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Carol Phelps

Climate Educator

Carol Phelps is an educator turned climate activist.  She partners with local governments and non-profits, including libraries, museums, schools, and faith communities, to work on climate action, both locally and globally.  She works on raising awareness, education, advocacy, clean energy, clean transportation, climate adaptations, and more.

More Bios to come soon

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